Friday, August 21, 2009

Indian cottage cheese

So .. this was something that i wanted to do for quite some time and i just got time to do it. Paneer or mostly called as indian cottage cheese is something like tofu . it does not taste like cheese at all (=.=)' weirdly enough .. haha

it is made from milk and there is many way to cook it and one of way to cook is with the spinach puree.

Here is the recipe to do it.

For the paneer

8 cups of Milk
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup hot water

Bring the milk to boil and turn off the heat.Then pour the mixture of lemon juice and hot water together. Keep stirring the milk, until the milk separates; the solid curds will separate from the watery whey. Pour it into a muslin cloth and rinse thru running tap water as it will take the lemon sourness. Wrap the muslin cloth on itself in order to squeeze out moisture from the curds. The more you squeeze, the firmer the resulting paneer. Leave it under a heavy saucepan for an hour or till it is firm.

For the spinach puree

Few bunch of spinach leaves
Few stalk of green chillies (up to your level of spiciness)
1 tablespoon garam masala
ginger paste
garlic paste
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon fennel seed
1 tablespoon cashew nut powder
salt pepper

In a pan, stir fry the spinach with salt and pepper.Then, blend it into puree using a food processor. Then fry the ginger, garlic , cumin and fennel seed in oil. Add the puree together with garam masala and cashew nut powder. Cook it for 10 to 15 minutes and then add the paneer. cook for another 5 minute. Whola.. u have a palak paneer.

For your information, i roughly did all the measurement. So try to adjust according to your individual taste.

*peace out*