Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Year in February~

well .. its been a month since new year. But this month is new year as well according to the Chinese calendar.. lol. I have been meaning to post almost every day or at least once a week but its just so hard to do so..things been pretty hectic and then life getting harder..too many other things coming on the way.

well that just life.. anyway this would be my first posting for this year. thou i haven't updated quite sometime, i m still doing activities that i like the most cooking and photography but I haven't got the chance to really share it yet. Its pilling up. I will make a day for it.

SO here is the thing, since it is still beginning of the year, I still get to set my year resolution right? hehe ~ actually i take resolution as my goal that i want to achieve in this life.

Goals that i targeted for myself this year :

1. Save up some money
2. Healthier me, more exercise and healthier food
3. Trip to somewhere - Cambodia wait for me!
4. Plasma TV - to enjoy some HD quality
5. Successful projects - finger crossed everyday
6. Be more confident in myself
7. Save up for new house renovation
8. Buy oven - start baking and improve my cooking skills
9. Try any new things - so far futsal has been new to me and i m enjoying it. More ?

ten for now! hope i ll achieve it all and make my life better. Life is getting tougher when we grow older. Lot of things we have think and make decision. Decision that will impact you and others.

I think it applies to everyone. So lets work hard and have a happier life.

Mood: Motivated

Peace Out ~